Admin Commands



The mailbox!

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Mailbox/PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseMailbox.PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseMailbox'" 1 0 0
Auctioneer ("Item Auctioneer")

An auctioneer in a tent. Can trade all items except for dinosaurs.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Auctioneer/PrimalItemStructure_Auctioneer.PrimalItemStructure_Auctioneer'" 1 0 0
Auctioneer (Wooden Cart)

An auctioneer next to a wooden cart. This auctioneer has a “traveling merchant” feel. Can trade all items except for dinosaurs.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Auctioneer/PrimalItemStructure_Auctioneer_Cart.PrimalItemStructure_Auctioneer_Cart'" 1 0 0
Auctioneer (Minimal)

A lone auctioneer. This auctioneer might be hiding in a cave or deep in the forest. Can trade all items except for dinosaurs.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Auctioneer/PrimalItemStructure_Auctioneer_Minimal.PrimalItemStructure_Auctioneer_Minimal'" 1 0 0
Hatchery ("Fertilized Egg Auctioneer")

A fertilized egg trader with an assortment of eggs. Can only trade fertilized eggs.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Hatchery/PrimalItemStructure_AH_Hatchery.PrimalItemStructure_AH_Hatchery'" 1 0 0
Hatchery (Minimal)

A lone fertilized egg trader. Can only trade fertilized eggs.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Hatchery/PrimalItemStructure_AH_Hatchery_Minimal.PrimalItemStructure_AH_Hatchery_Minimal'" 1 0 0
Stockman ("Creature Auctioneer")

An auctioneer with an assortment of cages and creatures. Can only trade creatures.

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Stockman/PrimalItemStructure_Stockman.PrimalItemStructure_Stockman" 1 0 0 false
Stockman (Minimal)

A lone stockman. Can only trade creatures.

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Stockman/PrimalItemStructure_Stockman_Minimal.PrimalItemStructure_Stockman_Minimal" 1 0 0 false

Used to transport creatures to and from the Auction House backend server.

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Transporter/PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseTransporter.PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseTransporter" 1 0 0 false
Currency Exchanger

A monkey that can exchange resources (or coins) for other resources (or coins). Completely configurable by server admins.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Exchanger/PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseExchanger.PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseExchanger'" 1 0 0
Currency Exchanger (Minimal)

A variant of the exchanger. Used to exchange items or resources for other items or resources.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Exchanger/PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseExchanger_Minimal.PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseExchanger_Minimal'" 1 0 0
Currency Exchanger (Admin)

An admin-only variant of the exchanger. Can be configured with a separate list of exchanges and can only be accessed by admins.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Exchanger/PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseExchanger_Admin.PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseExchanger_Admin'" 1 0 0

An Auction House-themed flag that can be used to help decorate your base.

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Flags/PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseFlag.PrimalItemStructure_AuctionHouseFlag" 1 0 0 false


Inventory Manifest

Can be placed into nearby inventories for pulling items and payments when creating or browsing auctions.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Manifest/PrimalItem_AuctionHouseManifest.PrimalItem_AuctionHouseManifest'" 1 0 0
Copper Coin

A copper coin. Can be used by private markets to create and purchase auctions.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Currency/PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Copper.PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Copper'" 100 0 0
Silver Coin

A silver coin. Can be used by private markets to create and purchase auctions. For most admins, 1 Silver Coin = 100 Copper Coin when configuring exchanges.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Currency/PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Silver.PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Silver'" 100 0 0
Gold Coin

A gold coin. Can be used by private markets to create and purchase auctions. For most admins, 1 Gold Coin = 100 Silver Coin when configuring exchanges.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Currency/PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Gold.PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Gold'" 100 0 0
Platinum Coin

A platinum coin. Can be used by private markets to create and purchase auctions. For most admins, 1 Platinum Coin = 100 Gold Coin when configuring exchanges.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Currency/PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Platinum.PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin_Platinum'" 100 0 0
Megapithecus Coin (“Old Coin”)

An old coin. Typically not used since copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins were added in 1.6.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AuctionHouse/Currency/PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin.PrimalItemResource_AuctionHouseCoin'" 100 0 0

Console Commands

Give all structures:

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_GiveMeStructures

Give 1,000 of each currency:

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_GiveMeMoney

Perform a manual world scan:

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_DoWorldScan

Cancel all auctions for all players on the server so they can be reclaimed at mailboxes:

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_CancelAuctions

Delete all auctions for all players on the server (useful for server wipes):

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_DeleteAuctions

Delete all unclaimed auctions (purchased, sold, expired, etc) from mailboxes:

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_DeleteMailboxContents

Destroy all structures, including auctioneers, mailboxes, and transporters:

Cheat ScriptCommand AH_DestroyAllStructures